Fall News + http://www.savelorishouse.com

September 16, 2008 § Leave a comment

Massive apologies to those of you who’ve been requesting your “fix”. It’s been quite hectic as it usually is in September. Keep your emails coming and please give me/us a little more time to answer than we would normally need. You should hear from someone within 24 hours (except over the weekends). You can always call at 646.468.0608!

Ok – so workshops and seminars moving right along. We’re adding a new one for October that will focus on managing stress and work and actually flourishing with all the gloomy financial news that’s hitting us from all sides.

15-minute coaching phone calls are proving to be a great tool for many of you. Checking in, brainstorming, focusing, preparing for meetings, follow-ups to meetings and more. Glad you’re liking it and finding it helpful and empowering!

Also – please check out Save Lori’s House
and lend a hand. Lori is a single mother who has been stricken with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). People from all over the world are pitching in to help, Ben Lee has lent his song “We’re All In This Together”. We are. Please help if you can.

Enjoy the day your way,
Rebecca “Kiki”
Rebecca “Kiki” Weingarten
Daily Life Consulting

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