Are You Ready For Coaching?

March 28, 2012 § Leave a comment

One of the stranger things about the work I do is that people often tell me a lot about themselves when we first meet. I’m always happy to hear about people and their lives so I listen. People and their lives are fascinating to me. Each person and situation is unique and the puzzle of how to assist people in getting from here to there is one I never get tired of. I love it. So, bring it!

There is one part of the puzzle that has a quick answer-question to it. Some people aren’t sure if they’re ready for coaching.

“I’m waiting for things to settle down, I’m waiting until I feel relaxed, I’m waiting until X milestone has passed and I have more time, I’m waiting for the perfect time”. Ok – sure if that’s working for you. In the many years of working with clients I’ve found that in most of their lives just like in everyone else’s, there’s very rarely a time when everything has “settled down, completely relaxed, x milestone passed and they have more time, the perfect time”. Life is messy and full and unpredictable. The time to work on making it the best it can be is right now. Today.

The real question is “how much longer do you want to spend before you decide to make changes and make it better?”. That’s an individual answer. Some people decide that they’ve spent too much time without the satisfaction, success, motivation, energy, excitement, productivity and happiness they want. They say “I’m ready” and begin from where they are.

So, I ask you. How much longer are you going to spend before you decide to make changes and make your life better? Whichever area of your life you want to make better? Are you ready for more satisfaction, success, motivation, energy, excitement, productivity and happiness? Well then, I guess you’re ready.

Enjoy the day your way,


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