Robin Williams, Depression, Misinformation and Competence

August 21, 2014 § 2 Comments

Hi All, 

It took me a while to gather my thoughts on Robin Williams’ suicide and the aftermath. It seems like so many people were affected, I know I was. For many reasons. But the area that concerned me most in the aftermath was the (often well-intentioned) misinformation that people were posting all over the internet. 

I have a lot of thoughts on the topic as an individual and from a professional point of view. For right now, I’d like to share one of the better articles I’ve read on the topic. To Know Suicide: Depression Can Be Treated, but It Takes Competence by Kay Redfield Jamison.

 If you’re searching for help be careful who you trust with your thoughts, feelings & mental health. 

Enjoy the day,



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