Expand Your Comfort Zone

January 9, 2013 § Leave a comment

Hi  All,

I’ve been spending lots of time the last couple of weeks working with people and companies on making changes, resolutions, goals, plans….call it what you will. You know, doing something different. Adding something, subtracting something, multiplying – you get it.

The hardest part for just about everyone is the “getting used to it” part. Some people get used to things psychologically before they jump in, some people jump in and get used to the new as they’re in it, some people jump in – jump out – jump back in again to get used to it.

Change can be difficult, exciting, energizing, anxiety provoking , ___________ (fill in the blank).

People are always talking about moving out of your comfort zone. I don’t know, that can sound like you’re going somewhere and it’ll always be difficult. I encourage my clients to expand their comfort zones.

That means becoming comfortable in new situations that were previously uncomfortable. Comfort/discomfort gain new connotations. What was once uncomfortable is now in your expanded comfort range.

Expanding your comfort zone means that you’re not setting yourself up to “go” someplace that will cause discomfort, you’re working toward making a new situation work to your specifications. You’re working toward finding ways to be comfortable in a new situation which then becomes part of your comfort zone. You’ve expanded your comfort zone.

Your world becomes bigger. You add to your choices.

Things expand. Your worldview expands. Your comfort zone expands. And there are some simple ways to do it. Yes, simple.

So, think about what you want your world to include. What experiences, emotions, work roles, life roles, people, hobbies, creative endeavors, successes.

First thing about the what. How much do you want your comfort zone to include? Make a small map or illustration or Pinterest account to see it. Whatever works for you.

Then, we work on expanding your comfort zone to include it. it works.

Enjoy the day your way.


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